The event is “Xiuhtezcatl Martinez: Why I sued the U.S. Government”.
“Displaying a wisdom far beyond his years, Xiuhtezcatl (“Shu-tez-caht”) Martinez has been speaking on behalf of the planet since the tender age of six. Today still just a teenager, his extraordinary eloquence has moved audiences which include world leaders, Hollywood celebrities and other impassioned young people across continents who have joined his Earth Guardians activism movement. Through public speaking and hip-hop, Xiuhtezcatl is spreading his message and shifting human consciousness – and in 2017, his message will reach Australia and New Zealand”.
Article in Benalla Ensign
This event will appeal to anyone interested in Sustainability however BSFG would like to sponsor a group of young people to attend the event.
Can you nominate and or sponsor a young person interested in attending this event? $250 was raised from committee members at the BSFG Committee meeting held on January 17, nearly enough for 6 tickets.
There is a limit of 10 tickets per customer and tickets are $42. Tickets have been held for BSFG until Wednesday February 1st. There is a possibility of having an extra 10 tickets if necessary.
If sufficient responses are received the group will travel to Melbourne by train on February 11th which will include at least two BSFG members, returning to Benalla on the evening train from Southern Cross Station. Young people will need to pay the train fare.
Please leave a response on the BSFG website Contact page by Wednesday February 1st if you wish to nominate a young person to attend this event or phone 0418 135 330.