Renewable Energy Benalla - Kevin provided details of the Haystack Solar Garden Project, Haystacks Offer Summary. Kevin provided details of the Offer, Report available from Kevin.
Greening Benalla - Kate Holmes reported on activities of the group, which include developing gardening days with children at Waminda as a way of getting the community interested. Waminda's upcoming wicking bed workshops were discussed. Landscape Plans were reported to be available for public comment, but to be progressing before public comment. If trees are removed, matching not a monoculture, is required. The question was asked, can access to Mair Street from bridge be blocked. Concern was expressed of subdivisions becoming heat islands. A strategy mooted 'BSFG Plant A Tree Day'
Connecting and Engaging Benalla - Empathy Café Discussion Groups - Rachel DeSumma has organised three Empathy Café meetings at the Benalla Library Meeting room, Oct 19 - 5.15 - 6.45 pm, with location time details to be decided for Nov 16, and Dec 7, Three meetings planned for next year. Link to Shepp News article. Lou Bird has developed templates using the Canva application which can be applied flexibly by the group for Instagram, Facebook, the website and general advertising.
Ecological, Sustainable Planning and Development The Ecological, Sustainable Planning and Development group has not met formally since the Review, however there has been some email discussion of ESD and Subdivision Development Planning. There has also been follow up with Council Environmental Officer Nathan Gasperoni re arranging a Planning Meeting with Developers to consider passive solar design principles. Nathan reported that the Council Planning people appear reluctant to pursue this, reminscent of a theme in a paper on ESD in Australia, ‘Ecologically Sustainable Development’: Success in Principle, Failure in Policy, Still in Prospect'. Perhaps a Target for Ecologically Sustainable Development is in order, such as the Ecological Footprint. The meeting was ralso eferred to Peter Maddock's article 'Ecological Sustainable Development and Planning' in BSFG Newsletter 33, August 2022.
Waste Action Group - The 'Waste Wise' action group, flagged at the last meeting, held its first meeting on 26 September. Group members Karen Nankervis, Judy Schwartzman and Kay Blore considered items including -
- Discussion with Council And Ensign.
- Repair cafe
- Green shed at Tip
- Additional options for green waste bag collection
- Council recycling trailer
- NE Water trailer
- Update list for recyclables, new labels from Cleanaway
- Join with other Councils
- Plastic forest in Albury, polystyrene collection
- Collection bins, at Council?
The Group has decided upon a12 month program to focus on one item per month, Ensign and corflutes, for example:
- Blister packs
- Bread ties
- Plastic numbers
- Milk bottle tops
- Lids on glass
- Soft plastic
- Light bulbs
- Little reusable bags for F&V
- Minimiser landfill... competition for best idea. 12 mth membership of Food Co-op.
- Balloons, illegal
- No single use plastic
- Your rates pay for illegal dumping
- Snap, send, solve app
Sustainable Farming. As reported at our last meeting, Charles Massy is too busy to visit. Kerry Robson and John Murphy are assisting group. Kerry has some funding which could be used for talking with schools and including sustainable agriculture in curriculum. Items arising in discussions include - AG carbon capture and storage - running Field Days for community education - Connecting with food sovereignty cooperative and Serenity Hill.