Narelle has worked on environmental sustainability in Victoria, NSW and Canada for many years, working with local and state governments and the wine industry in Ontario, Canada. Since 2008 her focus has been on climate change, and she is highly qualified in this area.
Following the 2019-20 Summer bushfires she worked extensively with Towong Shire Council staff and Councillors to lead the debrief around the fire impact for a number of council operations. More recently she has worked with RAMJO, a collection of eleven Councils in NSW. She developed a Regional Energy Strategy, which was adopted in November 2022, and in March 2023 was engaged as the Energy and Sustainability Project Manager where a major role was to work on a number of the recommendations of the Strategy. She recently toured Canada where she visited a nuclear power station.
Her community roles include membership of Burgoigee Creek Landcare, and land and community related projects including as the Foundation co-chair of the Giant Pumpkin Competition and Harvest Festival.
She has been a member of Renewable Albury Wodonga (RAW) for some years, which has undertaken initiatives in renewable energy and community education, been an elected member of Council (Gawler, South Australia).
Narelle’s talk is titled “Building Hope in a Warming World” and is an outcome of her extensive work in the topic area.
The meeting will be held at 7.30pm at the Benalla Uniting Church, Carrier Street Benalla, opposite the Coles Car Park. Supper will be available after the meeting.