Benalla Local Food Network
A Local Food Network is a group where local food growers, retailers, organisations and community members come together to supply the town with healthy food. The Benalla Local Food Network, an action group of BSFG, aims to:
- Support community led local food activities e.g. sourcing grants, linking to other organisations
- Promote “Farm to Plate”, linking local producers to community and retail e.g. promote Benalla Food Coop, Open Food Network maps
- Advocate for local food (local government, state government, policies etc.
2022 Update
* Our local Benalla businesses are also doing food deliveries to our local community.
- The Benalla Local Food Network is currently not meeting formally, however interest in the Benalla Food Cooperative, Benalla Central Community Garden, the Grow Free Cart at Tomorrow Today Foundation continue unabated.
- There appears to have been an increase in farm gate sales of local produce as well as food sharing in the Benalla urban area.
- Kathryn McQualter returned to work in August and reports that Benalla P12 Hands on Learning have been very busy building more wicking garden beds for people living in Benalla! "These ones are smaller and portable so suitable for people who don’t have a big backyard." Kathryn is planning to get these out to people in the next couple of months to enjoy our lovely spring and summer veggies-- please let Kathryn know if you have anyone in mind for these gardens (email [email protected]). Click here for referral form and an information form (for potential participants).
- Kathryn McQualter from Benalla Health convened ths group until late June 2021. With Kathryn on maternity leave, group members Peter Maddock and Callum Morrison continued to pursue interests in local food production and food security, with Peter an active participant in the Benalla Central Community Garden behind the Uniting Church.
- Benalla's Grow Free Cart was relocated to the Tomorrow Today Foundation in late when it became clear it would be unable to continue at Benalla Health because of Covid-19 restrictions there. Covid lockdowns made it difficult to proceed with for some months, however in November it reappeared outside the Tomorrow Today Foundation, replenished by Benalla Central Community Garden members, who are keen for other local growers to join them in sharing produce (see banner photo above).
- Our May meeting was held in the atmospheric setting of the Benalla Central Community Garden behind the Uniting Church. Lots of information was shared - you can find the notes from the May meeting minute here or in the News Blog
- The first meeting for 2021 was held on Wednesday 17th March from 4 to 5 pm at Benalla Community Care, Ray Sweeney Centre, Coster Street Benalla. In addition to the excellent information included in the minutes of the meeting, there was informal discussion about the bountiful season in local gardens; the prolific sharing between neighbours and friends of home produce including fig jam; tomatoes and apples; the grow cart program; wicking beds and other innovations. We all left with apples from Kathryn's garden!
- Covid curtailed meeting activity, however the group met via Zoom on Wednesday 16 September . Find out more:
- The group disseminated information about the Open Food Network's Farmers & Eaters NE Victoria Project which aims to develop actionable projects to help more North East Vic farmers get more of the retail dollar for their food! An online Webinar Short and Direct Food Supply Chains: Opportunities and Challenges for Farmers in North East Victoria was held by the Open Food Network 17 June 6.30-8.30 pm . A most informative Background Paper can be found at Questions? or 0411878063
- Kathryn also reported that ,
* Indigo Shire Council have been the first local council to develop a Draft Local Food policy
* North East Food Strategy group continue to meet during COVID 19
* The EAT Lancet commission report on a healthy sustainable diet helps to answer the question - can healthy food save the planet?
* Our local Benalla businesses are also doing food deliveries to our local community.

- Regulars Kathryn McQualter, Peter Maddock and Callum Morrison and others continued to network and share news at the aptly named Farmer's Basket cafe
- Kathryn participated in the development of the North East Local Food Strategy 2018-2022, released in 2019. The plan aims to strengthen the local food system.
- Serenity Hill spoke about the Open Food Network at the March general meeting of BSFG, giving examples of how how other places in Australia are linking local food to local people!
- Kathryn started a “Grow Free Cart" inspired by the Grow Free project from South Australia. The cart is where people can swap their home grown fruit, vegetables and seedlings. It has been very popular over summer with plenty of tomatoes, cucumbers and fresh apples! The cart is located at the Ray Sweeney Centre 45 Coster St Benalla.
- Kathryn continued working with partners on the Wicking Garden Beds Project.
*For more information on the work completed by the Benalla Food Security Network from 2012 to 2017, please visit
Benalla Sustainable Future Group acknowledges the traditional owners of the land on which we live, work and meet, the Taungerang, Yorta Yorta and Bpangerang people of North East Victoria, and pay our respects to their elders past, present and emerging.