Videos featured on home and other pages
Video recording of the presentation given in Benalla in February on the benefits of trees by Dr Greg Moore
'Outstanding Talk Given By Dr. Greg Moore' - Peter Holmes
'Outstanding Talk Given By Dr. Greg Moore' - Peter Holmes
'The Hidden Wonders of Soil'
February 7 2022 - World Wetlands Day
"In a parallel universe, the people of “Earthly" scramble to avoid suffering the fate of "those poor people on Earth”.
The Age of Stupid (2009) director revisits her film & asks, are we still heading for the catastrophic future depicted?
'Kiss the Ground' was screened at BSFG's November meeting, 2020
'School strike for climate change' Greta Thunberg - TED talk
Introducing Greta Thunberg/
Climate Scientist: World’s Richest Must Radically Change Lifestyles to Prevent Global Catastrophe |
"Did you hear David Attenborough’s speech at COP24?
It is a real ‘call to arms’ about climate change" |
'takayna/Tarkine' unpacks the complexities of modern conservation and the importance of wild places such as Strathbogie Forest.
Benalla Sustainable Future Group acknowledges the traditional owners of the land on which we live, work and meet, the Taungerang, Yorta Yorta and Bpangerang people of North East Victoria, and pay our respects to their elders past, present and emerging.