BSFG Review April 2022 - Strategic Objectives/Goals - Raw Data from Workshops
Widespread adoption of Sustainable farming systems
Contributing ideas
Agricultural community
100% regenerative practices – local food, local workers
Ecosystem Restoration
Contributing ideas
Connected and Engaged Community
Contributing ideas
Intergenerational engagement – kids, families, grandparents – contributing to a thriving community gardens and local learning hubs
Localisation - Broad community buy in and action Improving and enabling connectivity – social and physical
BSFG has a new name and new committee
Establish a Community Hub Space
100% Renewable and community owned energy
Contributing ideas
100% renewable energy for Benalla – Community/business owned
10 microgrids
Solar charged city with charging stations
Net zero achieved by 2032
Ecological, sustainable planning and development and Retro fits
Contributing ideas
Engage and work with council on Sustainable planning and development options
Greening and Cooling for our urban spaces
Contributing ideas
Known as a tree city
Food forests revegetation of verges and crown land
Greening Benalla
Expand Food Coop
Contributing ideas Initiatives/Actions
Widespread adoption of Sustainable farming systems
Contributing ideas
Agricultural community
100% regenerative practices – local food, local workers
- Develop a series of forums and on-farm demonstrations
- Engage Charles Massey to talk to local farmers
- A series of on farm demonstrations to explain the changes necessary for carbon capture and storage on farm
- Meet with other like minded groups to determine common goals
- Create a list of groups already formed and what they are doing in this space.
- Regen farmer peer support group with field days and guest speakers
- DIY ecological monitoring on farms
- Find Local farmers who want this and enable them.
Ecosystem Restoration
Contributing ideas
- Create a network with all the restoration demonstration sites and community working groups
- Inventory of all the big things that are already happening – Winton Wetlands, Hospital, Arboretum
- Community involved in growing plants
- Support landcare tree planting days
- Support the Winton Wetlands Friends group
Connected and Engaged Community
Contributing ideas
Intergenerational engagement – kids, families, grandparents – contributing to a thriving community gardens and local learning hubs
Localisation - Broad community buy in and action Improving and enabling connectivity – social and physical
BSFG has a new name and new committee
Establish a Community Hub Space
- Community hub space – produce swaps, workshop on skills, meeting space and kitchen
- Identify inclusive, supportive, Community hub as education, demo hub
- Venue to engage with the community · Bookclub/library eg Joanna Macy Active Hope
- Quarterly pot luck dinners
- Local nature connection events for children and families
- Growing food workshop
- Seed saving, composting, worm farm workshop
- Pop up free events – dance, yoga, music, art
- Hold a forum of key stakeholders and groups – who is growing food/interest in food
- Invite student leaders to be engaged in climate action
- Communication strategy
- Gratitude wall
- Confute actions eg recycle your batteries
- Declare a climate emergency and call community to action
- Create safe space for discussion about how we are feeling about the world – deep listening and support
100% Renewable and community owned energy
Contributing ideas
100% renewable energy for Benalla – Community/business owned
10 microgrids
Solar charged city with charging stations
Net zero achieved by 2032
- Develop a micro-grid project
- Work with RMIT Masters Student on developing a micro-grid pilot project
- Organise Indigo Power to talk about how to create a micro-grid
- Build and connect micro-grids for a bunch of houses
- Work with BRCC to increase Solar – on roof tops and a solar farm
- Invite BZE to address BRC on reaching net zero
- Seek out funding for installation of EV charging stations
Ecological, sustainable planning and development and Retro fits
Contributing ideas
- A sustainable subdivision – for multinational refugees that is affordable, mixed and mentoring
- A plan for development of Benalla with bike paths, controlled subdivision design, with a sustainable housing policy
- Sustainable housing and land development
- There is no homelessness because of new housing model
- Every person/family in Benalla has access to food growing gardens
Engage and work with council on Sustainable planning and development options
- Draft climate action plan with council – focus on community transition
- Planning that supports bike transport
- Options for renters and older housing for energy upgrades and retro fits
- Sustainable Housing design as part of Climate adaption plan · Creating a pilot of an “ecological” subdivision; a tiny house hub with community gardens; improved waste management
- Improving subdivision standards via local variations to the Planning scheme
- Open house for retrofits
- Retrofit advisory sessions
- Retrofit the art gallery and old school · Work on a sustainability short film
- Start with a film on how it might work
Greening and Cooling for our urban spaces
Contributing ideas
Known as a tree city
Food forests revegetation of verges and crown land
Greening Benalla
- Develop alternative watering solutions
- Assessment and improvement of water quality in Benalla Lake
- Cut the curbs to direct storm water runoff to street trees
- Develop an Urban Tree Planting program
- Free trees to plant
- Raise seed – free seeds
- Donation/allocation of a number of plants per urban property
- Urban forest plan for city of Benalla
- Planting stands of native trees and shrubs on empty land eg Goodwin and Mackellar street
- A tree planting month with free trees and Costa
- Plant trees at schools and sporting clubs
- Nature Strip project
- Edible nature strips
Expand Food Coop
Contributing ideas Initiatives/Actions
- Add fruit and veg trade to the food Coop
- Expand the range of activities
Benalla Sustainable Future Group acknowledges the traditional owners of the land on which we live, work and meet, the Taungerang, Yorta Yorta and Bpangerang people of North East Victoria, and pay our respects to their elders past, present and emerging.