Environmental Advocacy
The Benalla Sustainable Future Group advocates for consideration of the environment in many areas.
Our activities are driven by a concern that globally human activity is consuming resources at such a high rate that these resources face depletion in the near future. This high rate of production and consumption also generates wastes in quantities beyond the recycling capacity of the earth. The imperative for economic growth is driving more consumption and production without consideration of earth's natural resource limits or the planets ability to absorb our wastes.
The group's major emphasis is human induced Climate Change and Global Warming caused by increased levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere principally from the burning of fossil fuels.
Our activities are driven by a concern that globally human activity is consuming resources at such a high rate that these resources face depletion in the near future. This high rate of production and consumption also generates wastes in quantities beyond the recycling capacity of the earth. The imperative for economic growth is driving more consumption and production without consideration of earth's natural resource limits or the planets ability to absorb our wastes.
The group's major emphasis is human induced Climate Change and Global Warming caused by increased levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere principally from the burning of fossil fuels.
BSFG advocates for strong action to mitigate global warming. At a national level and of continuing concern, BSFG supports the Stop Adani Campaign and opposes the Indian Company Adani's mega coal mine in the Galilee Basin in Queensland. . At the very time the world has agreed to reduce carbon emissions to stop catastrophic global warming, Australian governments are eagerly pursuing Adani’s massive new coal mine. Approving the Adani project and its rail and port infrastructure would open the entire Galilee Basin to up to 9 additional new mines of the world’s dirtiest fossil fuel. Right when we need to cut pollution, burning the coal from Adani’s mine would cancel out any good achieved from Australia's already weak goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions between 2020 and 2030.
Writing to our politicians is a good way to encourage them to eschew public support of the Adani mega mine? For more information and some tips on letter writing, and politicians to write to see our news item, Support the Stop Adani campaign, the fight of our times
In 2020 after nearly twelve months of managing the Covid19 Pandemic the Federal Government is promoting a Gas Led Recovery to stimulate the economy. Gas is seen as a transition fossil fuel as we transition to ultimately a fossil fuel free energy future. However gas due to fugitive emissions can have a greenhouse potential equivalent to coal. As placards at the recent School Strike for Climate said, Fund Our Future, Not Gas.
Some of our action groups are looking at strategies we can use to reduce other environmental impacts whether it be by sustainable house design, retrofitting, recycling, reduced consumption. Consuming locally produced goods can also reduce emissions as many of the products we consume embody the transport emissions required to deliver globally traded products to us. While renewable energy is increasing purchasing locally made products can reduce emissions now. Holidaying locally can also reduce our emissions.
However the impact of human activity on the planet is felt in many areas, such as loss of biodiversity.
Benalla Sustainable Future Group therefore has a wide interest in environmental issues whether it be local, national or global.
Writing to our politicians is a good way to encourage them to eschew public support of the Adani mega mine? For more information and some tips on letter writing, and politicians to write to see our news item, Support the Stop Adani campaign, the fight of our times
In 2020 after nearly twelve months of managing the Covid19 Pandemic the Federal Government is promoting a Gas Led Recovery to stimulate the economy. Gas is seen as a transition fossil fuel as we transition to ultimately a fossil fuel free energy future. However gas due to fugitive emissions can have a greenhouse potential equivalent to coal. As placards at the recent School Strike for Climate said, Fund Our Future, Not Gas.
Some of our action groups are looking at strategies we can use to reduce other environmental impacts whether it be by sustainable house design, retrofitting, recycling, reduced consumption. Consuming locally produced goods can also reduce emissions as many of the products we consume embody the transport emissions required to deliver globally traded products to us. While renewable energy is increasing purchasing locally made products can reduce emissions now. Holidaying locally can also reduce our emissions.
However the impact of human activity on the planet is felt in many areas, such as loss of biodiversity.
Benalla Sustainable Future Group therefore has a wide interest in environmental issues whether it be local, national or global.
Benalla Sustainable Future Group acknowledges the traditional owners of the land on which we live, work and meet, the Taungerang, Yorta Yorta and Bpangerang people of North East Victoria, and pay our respects to their elders past, present and emerging.