Lobbying and Media
LobbyingBSFG advocates and lobbies throughout the year, writing letters to politicians and organising petitions.
From collecting signatures on Climate Petitions to recommending internet petitions on social media and letter writing projects to members, to attending climate marches and making representations to all levels of government, particularly our local council, BSFG is active in lobbying for change to promote a sustainable future. Our former local MP, Cathy McGowan, regularly cited the advocacy role of BSFG in speeches in Parliament. (Refer videos below.) Given the current political climate in relation to climate change and renewable energy our advocacy role is becoming even more important. |
Community ParticipationBSFG members regularly contribute a sustainability perspective to community consultations and forums in Benalla and North East region of Victoria. BSFG participates in community consultations such as Sustainability Victoria's Community Consultations and in local council planning initiatives with a futurist perspective.
Markets & street stallsBSFG can often be found at the fourth Saturday's market at the Lake and always has a presence at 'A Day in the Gardens'.
NewsletterBSFG produces a quarterly newsletter containing well informed articles written by BSFG members which is sent to members and published on this website.
Web SiteBSFG's website incorporates interactive features suited to an 'advocacy' & lobbying such as a news 'blog'; calendar; embedded twitter news feed; and links to 'apps' which provide updates of, for example, energy consumption. The website is being improved continuously.
Social MediaBSFG's social media posts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram provide links to both local developments and well informed news reports related to sustainability.
Facebook BSFG's Facebook account can be accessed via the FB icons on the home page and footer.
Twitter BSFG's twitter feed @BenallaSFG is featured on our homepage and in the 'twitter' icon in the footer of this page.
New in 2021! Instagram - Heath Whiley and Kim Lukey (pictured with Peter Maddock meeting at 'The Northo' recently), inspired and developed our new Instagram account. Thank you, Heath and Kim! The Instagram icon now appears with Facebook and Twitter in website's footer.
Benalla Sustainable Future Group acknowledges the traditional owners of the land on which we live, work and meet, the Taungerang, Yorta Yorta and Bpangerang people of North East Victoria, and pay our respects to their elders past, present and emerging.