Great enthusiasm and valuable brainstorming featured during the Review Workshops and was recorded on sticky notes, then compiled by Cath Botta. It seems important to keep the ideas in mind as we take up the challenges in our new action groups. These are the notes recorded for Ecological Sustainable Design and Development*....
Contributing ideas
- A sustainable subdivision – for multinational refugees that is affordable, mixed and mentoring
- A plan for development of Benalla with bike paths, controlled subdivision design, with a sustainable housing policy
- Sustainable housing and land development
- There is no homelessness because of new housing model
- Every person/family in Benalla has access to food growing gardens
Engage and work with council on Sustainable planning and development options
- Draft climate action plan with council – focus on community transition
- Planning that supports bike transport
- Options for renters and older housing for energy upgrades and retro fits**
- Sustainable Housing design as part of Climate adaption plan · Creating a pilot of an “ecological” subdivision; a tiny house hub with community gardens; improved waste management
- Improving subdivision standards via local variations to the Planning scheme
Retrofit** Advice
- Open house for retrofits**
- Retrofit** advisory sessions
Sustainable Living as Art
- Retrofit** the art gallery and old school · Work on a sustainability short film
- Start with a film on how it might work
**The position of retrofitting in terms of the action groups may better fit/has fitted in the past with Renewable Energy Benalla under the 'Reduce 1/3 goal'.