The evening for members will start with a shared dinner and committee nominations/AGM at 6:00pm.
Supporters are welcome to join members at 7:30pm, when our guest speaker, Dr Lynette Bettio will give her presentation entitled "Climate Extremes in North East Victoria - Current and Future Risks". Dr Bettio is a former student of FCJ College Benalla, now Climate Scientist at the Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne.
Lynette was co-author of the 2023 "State of the Climate" Report, so is very well informed of the latest trends occurring in climate change.
It is three years since Dr Lynette Bettio and Dr Leanne Webb (CSIRO) spoke to over 130 people at the Benalla Town Hall at BSFG's invitation.
Since then Australia and most other regions of the world have experienced ever-increasing record-breaking weather events; either highest ever average temperatures or record rainfall and flood events.
BSFG believes it is very important that at all levels of government, and as individuals in the community, we urgently tackle the issue of climate change, not only to learn to adapt, but importantly to find ways to mitigate the climate threats our future generations are facing.
It will be very interesting to hear from Lynette what has been driving the severe weather events experienced around Australia over that period.
Collectively and individually, we can use this opportunity to formulate ideas and take actions to assist or lead the Benalla Community into a more positive future. As a community we cannot continue to give low priority to this issue, hoping that a higher level of governance alone will be responsible for the problem. Rather we can "Think globally, Act locally".
There will be a Q and A opportunity after Lynette's presentation, and we invite members and supporters to stay for a light supper at the end of the evening.
Please RSVP your attendance at [email protected] We hope you can join us for this occasion. If you are planning to attend the shared dinner / AGM, we would appreciate it if you are able to bring something to share.
BSFG Membership Renewal and Committee
At AGM time we also invite our members to renew their membership of BSFG.
Our website has an online form where you can select renewal of membership. Follow the JOIN tab / ONLINE MEMBERSHIP FORM or find it with this direct link
We also extend an invitation for any members interested in joining the committee to contact Peter Holmes, President, on 0438625638 for more information.
Judy Schwarzman
Secretary, BSFG