After our December general meeting on December 10 we watched Strathbogie Voices video "Little Talks to Big". The video shows how people in small communities can contribute to positive action on Climate Change. The video was taken by Kate Auty to the COP21 Climate Conference in Paris to show how a small Victorian town can have a say in. Comments from BSFG member Cath Marriott are included in the video. It's available on YouTube and we've added it here for anyone who didn't get to the general meeting to check out.
We also screened a slide show prepared by Peter of photos/video taken of the Melbourne People’s Climate March on Friday the 27th of November. Photos of our BSFG contingent are currently in the slide show on the home page and will soon be available on a Gallery page. There is a powerful collection of photographs of Melbourne's historic march at People's Climate March - Melbourne, November 27 2015. A huge selection of photographs can also be found by searching Google Images - People's Climate March, Melbourne.