Our main activity has been general ongoing operational issues. Our efforts to remain vermin free have been mostly successful with minimal stock loss. Our ability to improve storage is hampered by lack of spacespace. Initially we planned to purchase an extra cupboard, however that idea changed and have bought extra shelving. A safety step is on the shopping list.
Our product list had a few changes with instant coffee becoming unavailable. We are currently trialling dried mushrooms from Markwood Mushroom and buckwheat kernels.
Our vacuum caused a few difficulties and thank you to Robyn Kelly, who kindly donated a Dyson vacuum.
The Co-op continues to open earlier on Monday afternoons during winter due to shorter daylight hours and colder weather. This commenced in May. Our markup remains at 20%
Thank you Wendy Baker for the overall accounting matters (see Wendy’s financial year report).
Thank you Christine for continuing to coordinate the roster, and Peter for ongoing management of the day-to-day accounts as well as the biannual stock take. The Holmes duo have been tireless in their Co-op volunteering and are life members.
Thank you Rhona for years of email update news. I will miss our pre-news texts and chats as we collate our narration each week.
Thank you Graeme Greed for ongoing equipment maintenance.
Thank you Maren for ordering the spices and Julienne who helps to package the herbs. Thank you Sonia for continuing to allow her front porch to be used for deliveries.
Thank you Kay Blore, Karen Nankervis and Judy Schwarzman who promote recycling and empty our recycle containers.
Thank you to our 11 duty managers and 13 iPad operators. Jenny Monger has retired from being an iPad operator and Julie McPherson has moved from being a Duty Manager to iPad Operator. Thank you Jenny for years and years of volunteering.
Thank you Beverly Lee and Peter Maddock for maintaining our social media and BSFG website presence. Thank you Karen and Graham who regularly ask if there are orders to collect from Melbourne or Myrtleford and happily do so if required.
Thank you to my husband Richard who has unloaded the pallets of produce each month for the past 3 years and stacked it all into the cupboards.
In closing I would like to say how much I’ve appreciate your friendship and assistance over the last 3 years. Without your help, there would be no Co-op. I applaud Claire as she steps forward to take on the extra load and warmly wish her the very best as I step down.
Co-op Committee: Susanne (retiring coordinator), Claire (new coordinator), Christine (rosters), Peter (finance), Rhona (weekly up-dates), Karen (recycling), Judy (BSFG secretary), Sonia (porch for deliveries) and Julie McPherson (moving to iPad operator), Tanya and Rosalie.
Duty managers: Graham, Sonia, Tanya, Rosalie, Christine, Rhona, Joy, Robyn, Eleanor, Susanne (retiring) and Claire (stepping up).
iPad Operators: Peter, Karen, Glenys, Simon, Stacy, Deanne, Jenny, Julienne, Maren, Marlies, Sally and Robert.
Enquiries/feedback welcome via the BSFG website or the Co-op email [email protected]
Food Cooperative Coordinator