In 2016, emissions relating to stationary energy for Benalla were 189,785 tonnes CO2-e. Total energy use between 2012 and 2016 increased by 2.7%, representing a 3% increase in electricity consumption and 2% increase in gas use.
In 2016 the industrial sector was the largest consumer of electricity at 48%, compared to 33% residential and 19% commercial. Similarly, the industrial sector consumed 63% of gas, the residential sector 29% and the commercial sector 8%. Industrial electricity is the sector contributing the largest to Benalla’s GHG profile.
The number of households in Benalla Rural City rose from 6,343 in 2012 to 6,517 in 2016. During this time electricity consumption per household per day reduced from 18.3 kWh to 17.9 kWh.
Some major points from the Benalla Baseline Emissions Report show that within the Benalla municipality in 2016:
- 1.07 million GJ energy was used
- 189,785 tonnes CO2-e was produced
- Approximately $32 million was spent on stationary energy by the community
- The community spent approximately $2,389 per person on stationary energy
Originally Published in the December 2017 BSFG Newsletter.