Forest Defenders was filmed at the Bob Brown Foundation takayna / Tarkine blockade over the summer of 2019-20 in North-West Tasmania, during an intense period of logging and resistance by brave forest activists.
The film explores the day-to-day lives of those on the front line of the battle to save this ancient tract of cool-temperate rain forest, the largest in the world, from logging and mining. Link to Forest Defenders trailer,
We are pleased to have Bert Lobert from Our Strathbogie Forest attending and we look forward to his update on the Strathbogie Forest.
This meeting will commence with the film, followed by our speaker and tea/coffee. People may then leave the meeting before any meeting business.
It is important that you RSVP to attend the meeting for both Covid numbers and to determine where we screen the film at the Benalla Uniting Church.
RSVP: SMS 0438625638, Email [email protected].
Please return to this article for any updates on meeting details.