Our Guest speaker is Bruce Walker who will be presenting information on Queensland Fruit Fly.
Fruit flies are a significant threat to Victoria’s horticulture industry, affecting production and disrupting trade worldwide. Species such as Queensland fruit fly, are present in Victoria and need effective management to reduce the impact on production and trade opportunities. If we grow fruit and vegetables susceptible to fruit fly we can all play a part in controlling fruit fly.
Topics Bruce will cover include;
Why manage QFF?
* Area wide approach
* Know your enemy
* Options for home gardeners
* Traps in detail
* Orchard and garden hygiene
Bruce is immediate past President of Benalla Rotary. He previously was an agricultural scientist at Rutherglen Research Institute for many years.
We are also hoping to find and screen a suitable short film on food waste.
The meeting will finish with supper, providing an opportunity for further discussion.
Peter Maddock
0418 135 330
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