This event will take place at Benalla Town Hall commencing at 7pm sharp, but attendees are advised to come early to secure their seats in the theatre, as it is a free, non-ticketed occasion.
Dr Leanne Webb has been a Climate Scientist for over 15 years, since completing her PhD at Melbourne University, and has worked for much of her career with Professor David Karoly at the CSIRO Climate Research Institute in Aspendale. She works as a Climate Change knowledge broker, and has extensively researched the impacts of climate change on the agricultural industry, and in particular the wine sector. Leanne was part of the team that prepared climate projections for Australia, released in 2016, and is currently engaged with the University of NSW in a study looking at the impacts of climate change on Indigenous health.

Lynette co-authored the 2018 and 2020 "State of the Climate" reports produced by the CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology.
Rarely do we have the opportunity to hear about climate science first hand, from scientists at the forefront of climate research, together with an opportunity to ask them questions, so BSFG is urging the community to embrace this chance.
Also of particular interest, will be a brief talk by the Mayor of Indigo Shire, Jenny O'Connor, related to her Shire's declaration of a Climate Emergency, and their proposed actions in response to that declaration. Indigo is one of more than 90 Local Governments representing over 8 million citizens in Australia, that have already taken this action.
The evening will provide the opportunity for attendees to participate in a short Q&A session, and conclude with a light supper.
Benalla Town Hall, 82-86 Nunn St, Benalla VIC 3672, Friday 27th February, 6.45pm for a 7pm start
This is a Free Event, however Due to Covid Limits Early Booking Essential.
SMS: 0438625638, or email Email: [email protected]