Brad Foletta from Solargain Wangaratta will be speaking to inform us of the latest developments and state of play in this area, covering these aspects:
- Introduction – Who we are and our story.
- How solar works, and what it means to add on a battery to a solar system.
- The 4 different types of battery options available with rough estimates of the expected costs for each:- *Solar + Battery with no back up. *Solar + Battery with partial backup of selected circuits. *Solar + Battery with full home backup ability. *Off grid.
- Warranties and online monitoring abilities – importance of having an internet connection with a battery.
- Current status of rebates and explaining how they work / eligibility requirements.
- Question time.
Attendance is free, but for catering purposes, please book your place using the Trybooking link
We look forward to seeing you at this forum which promises to be very informative.
Judy Schwarzman
Secretary, BSFG