The Swanpool Environmental Film Festival 2021, already rescheduled from June to October 23, is, for the second year, a casualty of the Pandemic. Postponed to next year 2022, possibly at the usual time in June, the Festival Program was to feature Professor Michael-Shaun Fletcher 'Indigenous Knowledge and the Shackles of Wilderness' and film 'Beyond Burning', Dr Kerryn Higgs 'Collision Course: The Growth Delusion' (2021 update) and films 'Fairytales of Growth' and 'Once You Know; and will culminate in a panel discussion 'State of the Nation' and film 'Wild Things'.
Hopefully this program will be able to go ahead next year, with the Swanpool Catering Team volunteers once again sustaining Festival audiences during breaks providing opportunities for audience members to network and catch up with friends.