Tim Bowtell's compelling portrait of Greta Thunberg, painted on the side window of the Benalla Rural City offices in Mair Street for the Window to Window festival, draws from and is representative of Tim's current work. Tim describes being surprised that around 90% of people who spoke to him while he was painting weren't aware of Greta Thunberg, and is pleased that his work has acted as such a catalyst for conversations about climate change. The discussions continued this week in three pages of Letters to the Editor in the Ensign, most of which were about the portrait of Greta, and most of which were postive!
The announcement by Time Magazine of Greta as their Person of the Year a few days into the controversy on social media proved a wonderful endorsement of Tim's choice of a portrait of Greta for his window.
This news item from 9 News Border North East on December 12 includes responses by Benalla Sustainable Future Group's President Peter Holmes and Renewable Energy Benalla's John Lloyd.
The announcement by Time Magazine of Greta as their Person of the Year a few days into the controversy on social media proved a wonderful endorsement of Tim's choice of a portrait of Greta for his window.
This news item from 9 News Border North East on December 12 includes responses by Benalla Sustainable Future Group's President Peter Holmes and Renewable Energy Benalla's John Lloyd.