A message for members of BSFG from John Lloyd...
"You may be aware that Benalla Council is in the process of working on a 20 year plan for Benalla. The steering committee is seeking input from as many people as possible to develop a vision for Benalla. Part of this community consultation process involves conducting Kitchen Table Conversations. As part of this process BSFG has made arrangements to conduct one (or more) of these ‘conversations’ on Wednesday 20th April at 7:30 pm at the Uniting Church.
This notice is an invitation to BSFG members to be involved in this process.
If you are able to take part in this Kitchen Table Conversation about a vision for Benalla please let me know by email by Friday 15thApril.
Further information about the development of a vision for Benalla can be found at the website: www.talkingbenalla.com.au
John Lloyd
BSFG President"
"You may be aware that Benalla Council is in the process of working on a 20 year plan for Benalla. The steering committee is seeking input from as many people as possible to develop a vision for Benalla. Part of this community consultation process involves conducting Kitchen Table Conversations. As part of this process BSFG has made arrangements to conduct one (or more) of these ‘conversations’ on Wednesday 20th April at 7:30 pm at the Uniting Church.
This notice is an invitation to BSFG members to be involved in this process.
If you are able to take part in this Kitchen Table Conversation about a vision for Benalla please let me know by email by Friday 15thApril.
Further information about the development of a vision for Benalla can be found at the website: www.talkingbenalla.com.au
John Lloyd
BSFG President"