"Right now, the state government and its agencies are seeking public feedback on three important things: managing our water and rivers, protecting biodiversity and looking after our River Red Gum National Parks. The three opportunities for feedback are:
1. Water for Victoria Discussion Paper
This draft water plan is intended to provide strategic direction for the management of Victoria’s water resources for decades to come.
To have your say:
- Read the Water for Victoria Discussion Paper here
- Attend a community information session here
- Make a formal submission here – submissions close Friday 29 April
- For ideas for your submission, check out Environment Victoria’s Six Steps to Water Leadership or email Juliet on [email protected]
- Read our media release on the Discussion Paper here
2. Protecting Victoria’s Environment – Biodiversity 2036 Draft Plan
It has been almost 20 years since Victoria last developed a biodiversity strategy, and we’re facing a biodiversity crisis. This draft biodiversity plan has been released for public comment and ideas.
To have your say:
- Read the draft Biodiversity strategy here
- Attend a community information session here
- Make a formal submission here – submissions close Sunday 15 May
- Read our media release on the draft plan here
3. River Red Gum Parks Management Plan
Parks Victoria is in the early stages of developing a management plan for more than 220,000 hectares of River Red Gum parks and reserves throughout northern Victoria.
To have your say:
- Attend a community Open House session here
- Access Parks Victoria’s background materials here
- Share your thoughts with Parks Vic by emailing [email protected]
- Find out which species are at stake in our ‘Thirsty Thirteen’ report here "
More details can be found in Juliet's blog post, including Environment Victoria’s perspective on these draft plans. Read the blog post here >>