The photo above was included in an excellent article by Poppy Johnston titled 'Joost Bakker's new self sustaining. zero waste Federation Square Home is Good Enough to Eat'.
Interested in finding out more? Check out
- Joost Bakker's website's press page - - and the many interviews with Joost on YouTube
- this short trailer for the project at
- the Future Food System live streams recording the development of the project - these are available on You Tube - here's a list with links in case you want to binge watch!
- the latest information on the web is that the project remains open until June, tours cost $10. If you have $390 to splurge, you can dine at the intimate restaurant which produces spellbinding meals made from the Future Food Systems Eco Home's gardens, fish tanks and more.
Future Food Systems Federation Square Eco Home Livestream series:
Livestream #1: Joost Bakker and Jeremy McLeod - Future Food System
Livestream #2: Hospo hangout with Matt and Jo
Livestream #3: Meet innovator Dr. Matt Dingle
Livestream #4: John Ford - microbiologist and mushroom grower
Livestream #5: Biochar pioneer Russell Burnett
Livestream #6: Walk Through Future Food System with Joost and Jeremy (A good one to watch when you don't have time to watch the others)
Livestream #7: Spotlight ingredient: Tiger nuts
Livestream #8: Update from Joost, Matt and Jo
Livestream #9: Joost and Jeremy on Timber
Livestream #10 Aquaponics
Bev Lee