The workshop will include the theory and practice of hemp building using both conventional casting techniques and building with hemp bricks. The participents will be given practical experience in design and construction of a small dwelling and the basics of rendering with lime renders on a hemp wall.
Hemp has many qualities for building construction including
- good insulation values (up to R4 for a 250mm wall)
- high thermal qualities (thermal mass)or thermal inertia
- good sound attenuation (noise reduction, acoustic qualities)
- healthy breathes –no condensation, mould etc
- vermin resistant (mice,rats)Alkaline
- white ant resistant (good)
- environmental qualities (natural materials)
- carbon sequestration (carbon negative)
- building friendly (lightweight, low skill,able to be moulded, flexible, bendable)
- beautiful and flexible (Neil’s view)
The workshops will commence at 9.00am sharp and finish at 4.30pm, morning and afternoon tea together with a healthy light lunch will be provided along with detailed notes on hemp building.
The cost is $150 per person paid in advance.
Violet Town is a small village located on the Hume freeway approx two hours north of Melbourne
Further details contact Neil Garrett on 5798 1522