Membership fees help to provide the necessary finance to run Benalla Sustainable Future Group so that BSFG can continue to provide a valuable role in the community.
However we still have a few members who have not yet paid their 2018 Membership. Our policy has been that after a period of time unpaid members would be moved to our Contact list and no longer receive the Newsletter or General Meeting Minutes. The Committee may need to formalise this policy and include a definite time period on our Membership Form. However if the 2018 membership is not renewed by March 13, unpaid members will be moved to our Contact list.
The Membership Renewal Notice is available on this website if you have not yet renewed your 2018 membership. The Renewal Notice has details about renewing your membership. We apologize if you have recently paid your 2018 membership. We do look forward to and appreciate your continued support.
Peter Maddock