Our guest speaker is Fiona Roberts, a member of the Hume Renewable Energy Roadmap project team and a program officer in Community and Partnerships, DELWP, based in Benalla. Fiona will be speaking about the Hume Renewable Energy Roadmap.
The Hume Renewable Energy Roadmap has engaged thousands of people from communities, business and government to hear their views and vision for the future of renewable energy in the region.
The Roadmap identifies regional opportunities for renewable energy in Hume which includes a coalition of community energy groups working to deliver localised energy generation and distribution for community benefit.
Hume also has significant pumped hydro energy storage development potential as well as quality solar resources which have been attracting investment interest. Bioenergy resources are also abundant in Hume with a number of biogas generators operating in the region.
Fiona Roberts has previously worked in the Commonwealth government as a senior policy analyst on a variety of projects including ecological sustainable development and natural resource management for the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.
Fiona says, "The Hume Renewable Energy Roadmap report brings together what we heard and uncovered and tells our region’s renewable energy story – the past, the exciting things happening now and what the future might hold."
Hear about this Renewable Energy Roadmap and learn about the possibilities for a renewable energy future for our region.
Following the presentation about the Renewable Energy Roadmap there will be a short presentation from John Lloyd about the activities of Renewable Energy Benalla and the role it could play in the energy future for Benalla.
The minutes of our previous meeting held on Thursday July 25th 2019 are attached below.
Supper will be available after the meeting.
Peter Maddock
0418 135 330