Our guest speaker is John Liddell from Beyond Zero Emissions who will be speaking about BZE's Renewable Energy Super Power Report which has been produced as part of BZE's Zero Carbon Australia plan and outlines Australia’s potential to be a global renewable energy superpower of the future. Australia's economic renewable energy resources are greater than its coal, oil, gas and uranium resources combined.
The report highlights the fact that the world is transitioning to renewables and that the industrial leaders of the renewable energy era will be those countries with massive inexpensive renewable energy resources like Australia.
There will be the normal business of our Annual General Meeting before our guest speaker. The Agenda, Minutes, Annual Report and Financial Statement will be attached to upcoming emails to members.
After the AGM we will send Membership Renewal reminders for 2016-17, however memberships may be renewed at the AGM.
The AGM will be followed by a light supper. .
Peter Maddock