- Logging has commenced at Parlour's Coupe in the Strathbogie Forest.
- VicForests couldn't have picked a more biodiverse block to log if they tried.
- You can read about the issues here at Our Strathbogie Forest https://strathbogiesustainableforests.wordpress.com/
- VicForests have refused any dialogue on the matter, including discussing alternative blocks.
- No environmental study has been carried out prior to logging as the EPA act demands.
- 22 greater gliders were sited around the coupe just last week.
- The time has come for Our Strathbogie Forest to up its public profile.
- WIN TV News have been invited and will be coming to the forest this Thursday.
- Our Strathbogie Forest want to show Win TV that the community cares about the forest, that DELWP and VicForest are flouting the forest management regulations and that they need to be held to account
- Our Strathbogie Forest want to emphasise that this is the best bit of the Strathbogie Forest – that DELWP and VicForest are not adhering to their own management regulations and that it is prepared to take action to prevent further destruction of this public asset.
- If you intend going to this media event and support Our Strathbogie Forest, meet at the Swanpool hall at 9.30 am this Thursday November 24 and go in convoy with Ian Herbert to the Strathbogie Hall.
- This gathering in the Forest is a media event, not about breaking the law.
Peter Maddock
Benalla Sustainable Future Group