Renewable Energy Benalla's Efficiency Group is conducting a series of workshops commencing Tuesday 22nd of May, from 7.00 until 9.00pm at the Benalla Gliding Club, Samaria Road, Benalla. RSVP Sunday before Session.
Titled “Wipe Out your Gas and Electricity Bills - Come and Find Out How” the series looks at options to improve energy efficiency in our homes. These improvements can increase the comfort of our homes and reduce energy costs.
The series commences with an overview of how energy efficiency supports the Renewable Energy Benalla goal of Benalla becoming a Net Zero Stationary Energy City by 2028.
Session 1 - Tuesday 22 May: Overview of project. Hear about the new Victorian Residential Efficiency Scorecard. Major emphasis on reading your meter to establish baseline energy use. Please bring in your power bills.
Session 2 - Tuesday 26 June - Lighting, Draft Proofing and Insulation.
Session 3 - Tuesday 24 July - Windows, Appliances & Cooking and Heating & Cooling.
Session 4 - Tuesday 21 August - Hot Water, Energy Monitoring & Control and Solar Power.
We encourage you to bring in your power bills to establish your baseline energy use.
Full details in REB's 'Wipe Out Gas and Electricity Bills' flyer.
A light supper will be available at the end of the evenings.
RSVP below by the Sunday before a session, if necessary adding information about additional participants in the Comments Box, OR phone Peter 0418 135 330, AH Howard 0409 504 420