The three subjects covered were the three major problems confronting the world today - nuclear weapons, climate change and how to feed a growing populace. Thanks to Dr Tilman Ruff, Prof Samantha Hepburn and Prof Tim Reeves respectively for coming to Swanpool.
short films it included news reels and a series of slides telling the story of preserving Strathbogie Forest this past year. That’s a good news story because the designated logging coupes in the most precious part of the forest, around Mt Strathbogie and Golden Mount, have now been withdrawn from the Timber Release Plan. The TRP lists the designated coupes which VicForests can log. The next step is to have permanent protection for the forest, preferably by declaring it a Conservation Park giving it the samestatus as Mt Samaria Park.
The film ‘2040’ which concluded the evening was very well received. It looks into the future asking the question how could the planet be if we do the right thing. When taking about sustainable agriculture it gave good coverage of the works of Colin Seiss who was referred to by Tim Reeves in his talk and who has worked closely with the Gecko CLaN and landholders in this region for many years.
Many thanks to all who volunteered to make this day a success, particularly Peter Maddock for all his work getting all the video together. The SEFF is run by the Swanpool Landcare group in partnership with Benalla Sustainable Future group and with support from the Gecko CLaN, GBCMA, Granite Creeks and Benalla Permaculture. We are particularly thankful for the catering provided by the Swanpool Catering Team who excelled themselves once again.