Market Stalls: In the latest issue of our Newsletter BSFG President John Lloyd has written an article about Market Stalls. The committee believes a Market Stall Action Group consisting of 3-4 members would be the best way to make our stalls more effective and we are looking for a small number of people to establish this action group. The group would organise and prepare for the stalls, enlisting the assistance of members to staff our stall at the annual Day in the Gardens and possibly at three Lakeside markets during the year.
If you would like to find out more and be involved in setting up and contributing to a Market Stall Action Group, please contact Peter Maddock via the Contact page on this website.
Sustainable House Day: BSFG member Howard Bartlett’s open house for Sustainable House Day, which is on Sunday September 17. Entry Fee is a Gold Coin Donation to Benalla Sustainable Future Group. Howard requires assistance to staff a table at the entry to display BSFG information and to collect coins and register visitors. Howard’s home at 1/25 Barkly St Benalla will be open from 10.00am to 4.00pm, and he will be conducting SOAP House Design Workshops at 11.00am and 2.00pm. Are you able to spare an hour on Sunday September 17 to assist Howard? We need a few more people as only one member has been able to offer assistance so far.
Peter Maddock
0418 135 330