Promoted by Wangaratta Sustainability Network, it will screen on Monday, November 09 6:30PM - 8:30PM at Wangaratta Cinema Centre 1st Floor, The Co Store Complex, Corner of Ovens St and Reid St, Wangaratta VIC, AU, 3677
$16.00 AUD General Exhibition.
Go to this link to pre-order your tickets
"The film ‘This Changes Everything’, based on the best-selling book by author Naomi Klein, addresses climate change from a different angle. Unlike many works about the climate crisis, this is not a film that tries to scare the audience into action: it aims to empower. Klein argues climate change is not really about carbon at all, it’s about capitalism. She also reminds us that all is not lost and there is so much we can all do both individually and collectively to turn this around." Dianne Nicholson, WATCH (Wodonga/Albury Towards Climate Health) from 'Living Lightly' extract on Ecoportal