We would like to invite you to attend our BSFG General Meeting at 7.30pm on Thursday 22nd July at the Benalla Uniting Church.
In keeping with "Plastic Free July" we will be screening the documentary "Plastic Wars". Issues such as clear labelling on packaging for recycling, are raised in this documentary. There will be time for discussion after the film.
A light supper will be served at the conclusion of the evening.
Current covid protocols will be followed. For indoor public gatherings, masks and social distance are needed. Masks can be removed during supper, when we ask people to maintain social distance.
Please RSVP your attendance for Covid numbers to [email protected]
Please visit News on our BSFG website for more about Plastic Free July. https://www.bsfg.org.au/news
Judy Schwarzman
Secretary BSFG