Do you have an interest you could write about and submit for publication in our Newsletter? Perhaps you are involved in one of our action groups and could write an article about this. Articles only need to be 200 to 300 words. We aim to produce the Newsletter four times a year.
We now upload the Newsletter to our website a few weeks after distribution to members. There is an archive of Newsletters on our website at We also publish some newsletter articles on our website News page, This News page is a great collection of articles reflecting BSFG activities.
So please consider writing a short article for our newsletter. The deadline for our next Newsletter is June 1st. You can submit your article to John Lloyd, [email protected]. The editor will include most articles if they relate to BSFG activities, purpose and general environmental issues and solutions.
Peter Maddock
0418 135 330
We now upload the Newsletter to our website a few weeks after distribution to members. There is an archive of Newsletters on our website at We also publish some newsletter articles on our website News page, This News page is a great collection of articles reflecting BSFG activities.
So please consider writing a short article for our newsletter. The deadline for our next Newsletter is June 1st. You can submit your article to John Lloyd, [email protected]. The editor will include most articles if they relate to BSFG activities, purpose and general environmental issues and solutions.
Peter Maddock
0418 135 330